Huh! Thoughts, thoughts and thoughts everywhere.

Yesterday, 4th May, 2010 was my joining day at IBM. The block where my joining formalities were being fulfilled was all having great people and their perceptions on different concepts.

Well, the one ideology which represents IBM and which is the basis for IBM's success is T-H-I-N-K.

A paragraph from the walls inside IBM building which caught my eye instantly is as below. This paragraph states what I think too...... just that this is written by the founder of IBM.

Here it goes:

In December 1911, IBM's founder Thomas J. Watson Sr. said, "The trouble with everyone of us is that we dont think enough. 'I dint think' has cost the world millions of dollars." And then he wrote T-H-I-N-K on the easel behind him. Even today, it symbolizes the essence of all that IBM stands for.

Image above shows the THINK word on the easel behind Thomas Watson.

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