Its been a while I havent put my thoughts onto a paper and as a result, no blog posts as such. You might also observe that I have deleted 2 posts, and in case you havent observed, you know it now from me. I have deleted 2 posts on a story, which I was penning down for a long time now. Those posts will be back and with an end this time.

Today, 31st December 2011, when people around me are enjoying and waiting eagerly for the so-called doomed year or as I call it, “BEGINNING TO THE END OF THE WORLD” year, I am sitting here trying to collect the things I have done this year. Among the places I visited this year, a place called Ananthagiri in Vikarabad has caught my attention. Yes, this post is about my observations. The images are original and clicked by me.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the below image? Some of you may not know what it is, let me tell you, its called Kabutar Khana or Pigeon Cote.

Kabutar Khana as I understand is something that was significant to the building architecture of the Muslims. I have read about pigeons being trained and maintained in the kabutar khanas and used for communication in the olden days. Though you can say that everyone used pigeons for communication, you cannot deny the construction of kabutar khana to be associated to Muslims. Isnt it?

Now take a look at the below image.

Any thoughts on why the kabutar khana is in the same premises as a temple??? May be most of the other buildings that existed prior to the temple were just remains and were completely destroyed, and then the people in this area might have constructed the temple in its place. This could just be a possibility that I see. You can have different views on what might have happened in this area. But why was a temple constructed in an area, which was popular in history for being occupied by Muslims? I presume the conquerors were Hindus or people in power were basically Hindus. In case you are wondering what I am getting at, I am just assuming that history of this place is lost, thanks to people who manipulated the whole area.

Lets look at the dwar to the temple from the backside.

Does the above image ring any bells?

Lets have a closer look at the entrance.

I am convinced with the above picture that this place has gone dumb to what it has faced, lost in the pages of its history. I am not sure of how many such places have been conveniently converted. In the above case, I could find some hints but it may not always be the same.

My intention to visit the place was purely for enjoyment, but the trip had enlightened me on some other things.

In and around this temple which is called “Ananta Padmanabha Swami Temple”, you will see

If Only We Can Listen

Oh my God! Having ears does not signify that we are listening, did you know that?!!!! Also everything that is perceivable through the 5 senses is mostly not perceived or in other words, the feel, hear, touch, taste, smell are no more being used effectively and we dont even know that.

Image Courtesy

Most of the present day generations have forgotten to connect with Nature. Go into the opening of your gardens or to a park, and experience the goodness of the each and every sound you hear. It can be from a bird,or the trees........ they all do have something to tell you if only you can listen to them......... I am sure most of them would feel as to what will we comprehend even if we listen to the sounds of nature, but lets take this a step ahead and think, do we really need to comprehend, just listening gives away many things to learn....
Image Courtesy

History has its say that every living being in the universe has their ways of communication, though these communicative ways are not understood by each and everyone. According to me, you do not have to understand which language the nature is speaking to you in, but just dwell in its surroundings to get grip of your lost self in the race of this busy buzzy life of yours :) .......... Do you know the language of music to understand or enjoy it ? - Not really,.... and thats the reason its considered a universal language.....

In the same way...... If Only You Can Listen, there are many things trying to communicate to you and you dont have to know their language to  comprehend what they tell you.... you need to just dwell in their presence....... Try It!

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