Nearer to Nature

Its been quite sometime I have been searching around to see what makes me truly happy. I dont mean that I am not happy, I just mean that I have become materialistic, for sometime, and probably will become materialistic on and off. I went around looking for happiness in materialistic things, but a feel of something missing was always there, in some corner of my heart.

As they say "Realizations hit hard", I went on a vacation, and did nothing but sit idle, think nothing, be nothing, and just let myself "BE". I was standing near the window of my house, and was just gazing through it, lost in nothingness, when I saw these birds(that you can see in the video), merrily taking bath and eating.

I started cleaning up these bird feeder containers and the bath container(that you see in the video), and was filled up with the images of what I saw the other day. I wished that they come today as well, look at the clean bird feeders and bath container, and enjoy it better than the other day.... And they came, happy as ever.... The sight of them and their sound of chirping, filled me with a sensation - called HAPPINESS.

There can be many instances to feel that true moment of happiness, one of them is what I am sharing with you all, on this video and on this one.

My first random rendezvous with that moment of happiness - Being nearer to nature.

Hoping I would share another moment soon, and then another... I kind of decided to write posts of this sought, whenever I feel that true moment of happiness :) ... I already feel like I have got some purpose in my life :)


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