The present post is being written after perusing through some pages of the book "Why God Is Laughing?" by Deepak Chopra.

So this thought of mine has been actually imbibed into me by this author. Courtesy: Deepak Chopra.

The book says:
Fear tells many lies but is always believed.
If the worst happens, fear will be greatly relieved.
On the day you were born, fear poisoned your heart.
Fear will still be there on the day you depart.

One paragraph was given explaining why we should not fear. It goes as written below:

The world for a person is one big dentist's waiting room with everyone anticipating the next thing that hurts. If everybody is afraid in the waiting room but only five percent wind up feeling pain in the chair, then fear is pointless ninety-five percent of the time. Fear is a terrible predictor of the future.In fact, nothing is as unreliable as fear, and yet people rely on it over and over again.

So basically, what I want to say is that I need to Fire my Fears!


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